• Business Partnering with Students at Alvirne Career & Technical Education Center

    Students are the backbone to a healthy economy, community, and our future.
    Your Partnership is Valuable in Fostering Success
    Your business can take an active role in workforce development by partnering with the Alvirne High School Wilbur H. Palmer Career and Technical Education Center to further student development and practical work experiences and help with future workforce needs.
    OUTREACH: Our business partners are invited to share their industry knowledge and expertise to expose students to provide career education, job training opportunities and learning experiences that occur in the work place. 
    ABOUT: The Wilbur H. Palmer Career & Technical Education Center is a comprehensive Career and Technical Education Center that allows students to explore college majors and career interest in the following featured programs of study in:
    • Accounting/Finance
    • Air Force JROTC
    • Construction Trades
    • Computer Science/Cybersecurity
    • Culinary Arts
    • Digital Media
    • Engineering
    • Health & Human Services
    • Heavy Duty Diesel Mechanics
    • Marketing
    • Natural Resources
    • Veterinary Science
    • Welding & Fabrication
    Hands-on learning is delivered through a rigorous, relevant curriculum. Students, who are successful in the Career and Technical Education programs, enter the work force, complete college and/or create and manage their own businesses.

    HOW: Businesses can engage in any of the CTE Program areas with interactive participation by any of the following:
    • Work with the students on projects in the classroom by giving advice or ideas and critical skills.
    • Be a guest presenter and talk about your industry—students are hands on learners. Bring your tools, do a demonstration, teach an advanced skill!
    • Offer mentorships through a 1-day Job Shadow or semester-long internship.
    • Participate in the Career & Resource Fair, 8th Grade Career Day, 7th Grade Explore Your Future Series, and/or other school sponsored events.
    • Hire a qualified student.
    WHAT DO YOU GET: Benefits to your business from becoming involved with the various CTE programs include:
    • Ability to share your skills and knowledge with the next generation.
    • Access and influence your future workforce.
    • Build your pipeline.
    • Improved company awareness and positive communal impact.
    • Tax credits also available for time and resources donated.
    NH Tax Credit for Donation of Property, Training or Compensation to CTE Centers: The donation of goods/time to CTE programs in NH are eligible for full or partial reimbursement in the form of a tax credit (Tax Credit Form). 
    On July 1, 2019 RSA 188 –E: 9-a came into effect allowing for businesses donating time, money, and goods to CTE (career & technical education) centers to receive tax credit against business profit taxes for:
    • up to 50% for salaries of students and supervisors participating in work-based learning experiences
    • up to 100% for supplies and equipment donated for related use to an educational program offered by the regional CTE center
    • up to 50% of the cost of apprenticeship and training programs offered by the regional CTE center, including the compensation of employees and direct supervision and training of students in a CTE center program.
    What are examples of “donations” that qualify under this credit?
    • Costs associated with pre-apprenticeship and training programs (cost for development, salaries for supervisors of students, etc.)
    • Salaries paid to interns, apprentices, and trainees
    • Tangible property donated to a program in the CTE center
    GET INVOLVED: If you would like to be more involved in fostering the next generation of workers in our community contact:
    Laura F. Lockhart, B.S., CSCDA, CCSP
    Career Center Specialist

    Wilbur H. Palmer CTE Center @ Alvirne High School
    200 Derry Road
    Hudson, NH 03051
    603-886-1237   x75073

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